A fat kid pretentious enough to think up a special word to describe their desperate longing for anything to shove down their face. They'll often claim to be "food enthusiasts" or to have "refined tastes," but they're usually lying.
"I got tired of telling people I had a 'glandular problem,' so I decided to start calling myself a foodie instead. It frees me of those negative connotations and leaves me to be become as lardy as I see fit."

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A person who thinks they know everything about food and the origins of food. Usually these people have zero experience actually cooking and also dealing with the stress of a real restaurant environment. They'll create blogs for themselves to create a sense of self worth, often this isn't there real job. These are the same types that hang out at pretentious expensive coffee lounges. They totally destroy a layman's love of food and makes the average person feel like crap for going out to eat.
Foodie: This is totally going onto my blog (takes selfie with dish)
Normal Person: Walks by takes the dish and smashes it of their table and laughs.
by Mr. Tintin April 18, 2016
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Clerk: How are you going to be paying for this today?
Customer: With my foodies, and cash for the rest.
by xLGEND24x January 24, 2012
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A person who self-identifies as such because they think you might be interested to know that they enjoy a wide variety of food from all around the globe and frequent expensive eateries. Poor people cannot be foodies.
Foodie: I'm a foodie.

Non-foodie: Oh.....awesome.
by Pokey Soggybottom July 6, 2018
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A person that spends a keen amount of attention and energy on knowing the ingredients of food, the proper preparation of food, and finds great enjoyment in top-notch ingredients and exemplary preparation.
A foodie is not necessarily a food snob, only enjoying delicacies and/or food items difficult to obtain and/or expensive foods; though, that is a variety of foodie.
Because he was a foodie, he liked to collect menus from restaurants which prepared food he enjoyed.
by genericpseudonym February 25, 2005
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A pretentious person who thinks they know more about food than they really do.
That joker calls herself a foody, but she’d never be able tell the difference between Kraft Dinner and pasta made from scratch with a homemade six-cheese sauce.
by Rick August 26, 2003
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