The Five Eight Rule is a rule in relationships between expatriates and locals of a host country. An expat or local who is considered a "5s" by their own home dating market is viewed as "8s" by the opposite party. Often, the rule applies to both parties. Each one perceive the other as an "8", but they are both, in reality, "5s" in their own home dating market.
Person 1: I don't know how Josh landed that Asian girl. She seems way out of his league. He's a 5 at best.

Person 2: Five Eight Rule, dude.
by matcha snorter September 22, 2022
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A man that will beat the living shit out of you and has a very aggressive vocal chords
Person 1 : oi eight five this kid was talking smack about you what you going to do
Eight five: make him never see the light of day
by Wescattq June 16, 2022
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