this is the day a real nigga was born ME
hey did you know its February 10th?

no bro why ?

its the day a real nigga was born.

who bro ?

me nigga
by jj_da realest February 25, 2022
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National kiss a boy named Nate on the mouth day
_____ kissed Nate on the mouth on February 10th.
by Not someone named Nate February 8, 2020
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a day when cute/fugly mfs are born (there no in between biatch 🙄)
Gawd Dayum she’s so cute “yeah bro shes born on February 10th”

Gawd Dayum she’s so fugly “yeah she’s born on February 10th”
by glockinmyrawrie. January 7, 2022
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anyone born on “february 10th” are the hottest people alive, filled with passion love and joy.

If your born in february 10th… consider yourself lucky! Betta’ kiss yourself your too pretty!
Person: “Hey you born on February 10th?”
Person #2: “Yeah ofc! Can’t you tell look how hot i am!

Person: “Dang.. your right! The hottest people on earth HAVE to be born on february 10th!”
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National Hug People Day! And Idiots Were Born On This Day!
That kids birthday is February 10th
Poor kid must be mental
by #urmommmmmmm October 17, 2019
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People born on February 10th are genuinely considered below average and in no way awesome
Thank goodness I’m not born on February 10th
by Laloopsie October 16, 2019
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