emphasis on exact and lee.. more expressive
that is exactally!! what i was talking about.
by eli vaughan June 14, 2008
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another word for "more exact".
To be exacter, the time is 4:10:59 PM EST.
by The Paul June 28, 2004
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Girl 1: Did you hear about Jill?
Girl 2: Yeah. She's a dumb whore
Girl 1: Exacts
by Annie Position March 15, 2008
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The act of being exact; to be specific, possibly to the point of painfulality.
A: About how far is the M4/A1's range, as a sniper rifle?
B: Over 300 yards at least.
A: Hmm.
B: 393 yards effectively.
B: I'd say round to 400.
A: All right, thanks.
B: The silencer would add maybe another 40 yards.
A: I wasn't going to exacticate, though.
by Blast September 17, 2006
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When saying 'exactly' just isn't enough and you need to use a certain amount of gusto to make your point.
Now THAT is exact-a-fuckly what I'm talking about!
by mlwilliams39 January 24, 2017
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The sophisticated and elite way of saying "Yes" or "Correct". Here are a slew of slangs that have spawned from this awesome phrase: "For sure", "Straight up", or "Tru dat".
Mogley: Oh it's succulent. Like a pig. I've gathered... oh, about 8 kilos of the precious stone.
Clyde: Of Pearl Quartz? The Big "White-o"? True Blue Ivory?
Mogley: Straight exact.
by NostalgiaDrag April 22, 2005
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Not saying 'exactly' to someone when you're right, saying 'exact-me'. It's like saying I told you so.

It is a crispism.
Hey, I feel great for going to the gym everyday. It really makes you feel better, doesn't it?

by sisely December 15, 2009
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