To watch what you say or do around a certain person because anything might set him or her off.
Everyone hates me; I'm walking on eggshells all the time.
by someone March 9, 2005
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To be in a delicate situation; to be on the edge of danger or ruin.

An 'eggshell' is the thin, white outer coating of an egg. The shell is very thin and breaks easily. So if you are 'walking on eggshells' you are in a situation where you could break something (or get in trouble or ruin everything) very easily.

Synonym: walking on thin ice
1) Ever since I smashed their car, I've been walking on eggshells with my parents.

2) We're walking on eggshells with our landlord -- she told us that if we have one more loud party, she's going to kick us out of our apartment.
by VAKI5 May 11, 2005
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When a bald or balding man, seemingly unaware of hair loss occurring on the top of his head, continues to grow out the hair on the sides and back of the head, thus ornamenting his barren follicles with a flowing skirt of, often disheveled, locks.
In his Frasier heydays, Kelsey Grammer sported the finest looking skirted eggshell
in the entertainment business.
by Penelope Cash February 12, 2009
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to drive as if there is an egg is under your gas pedal so as to save gas. Staying at a constant speed and not gunning the gas pedal.
I was low on gas, and knew a gas station wasn't very close so i started eggshell driving.
by FilthyYamBag February 9, 2007
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1. Feeling whole, but fragile; when your self-esteem is at a peak yet a single word can break you
2. When a pale person is lookin' particularly good
1. I stunted tonight, but I was feeling eggshell fine
2. Ooh, he eggshell fine!
by Yoda Pez November 4, 2014
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A man usually middle aged with a severely receded hair line leaving only the hair on the side of his head therefor resembling a skirt around is head.
One day you've got a great future a great job and a lush head of hair next thing you know your 46 single living in your parents basement heating up a hot pocket for breakfast with an eggshell skirt.
by Big Willy from Philly August 19, 2007
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