The act of eating dicks. Could be several, could be one, but all I know is you'll have some fun! wkl (Xbox) loves to do so in his spare time. He is relatively homosexual, but gets the job done. Eating dicks is a true skill and should not be looked down upon. You could be eating dicks right now and you just don't know it yet, it is commonly used as a term to call someone you don't like *wkl*. Whilst requiring a fair amount of skill, the act of "eating dicks" is only performed by the master tier 100 cunts.
Wow, he really eats all of the dicks... How many? So many.

Eat a dick is just the informal way of telling someone to go away.
by Big facs July 3, 2018
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eat a dick. usually an insult thrown at someone of lesser intelligence. when said, you are inviting the victim of the insult to partake in the digestion of your genitalia, specifically, the penis.
mary: JOHN, there's something I need to tell you.

john: what is it?

mary: im pregnant.

john: EAT A DICK BITCH!!!!
by SHERLOCK HOLMES 2 August 15, 2010
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by PLA J SNIP August 29, 2008
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1- Hey man, you hungry?
2- Yeah man, I'm fuckin' starving
1- Really? You should go eat a dick.
by dannyisajew September 16, 2003
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Eat a Dick, a term either used for a number of reasons.
1. As a joke
2. Towards somebody you dislike
3. Used when you just cbf to listen
1. "URGH Im starving"
"haha eat a dick"
2. "Seriously man, eat a dick you have no friends"
3. "hey man wats goin on?"
"Eat a dick!! thats wats goin on"
by supermajic August 25, 2005
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To consume or otherwise place a male genitalia (dick) in ones mouth. A two part insult.
1. Telling someone unliked to put a dick in their mouth
2. Telling someone they are a faggot.
by Flipt3 March 5, 2006
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