The activity of looking through garbage to find useful items or food. Dumpster diving can be done anywhere there are dumpsters or garbage cans. Residential diving is usually done in a suburbs (but it's best done in rich neighborhoods). Retail diving is usually done at stores. Corporate diving, if I remember correctly, is done outside office buildings, and I can't remember what industrial diving is (use a search engine).
John: Last night I went dumpster diving.
Bill: Find anything?
John: Yeah, this CD player and a PS2 controller.
Bill: The things people throw away....
by Synthic November 12, 2006
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The act of eating out someone's ass. A synonym for tossing one's salad.
LeBryan: Damn that girl had such a fat ass. I got all up in that last night.
Markel: Did you get your dick wet?
LeBryan: Nah man, I just went dumpster diving.
Markel: The fuck is that?
LeBryan: You know man. I put my tongue in that ass.
Phil: Ew.
by TravisFord March 28, 2014
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Actively searching through trash in commercial or residential dumpsters to find discarded but usable items; Proves fruitful at grocery stores and bakeries, where good food is often neatly thrown away when it merely approaches the sell-by date.
We figured it was dumb to spend money on bread when the local bakery throws out fresh loaves every evening, so we went dumpster diving after they closed and came out with a weeksworth of bread for free!
by Sooper! June 9, 2002
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A game that can be described as garbage because its either a bad play or just a bad game in general. However, because of a few redeeming features it manages to get a few people to play it.
Man did you see what Beertent was playing on steam last night? It was a total dumpster dive!
by Hellion_Blade May 3, 2016
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In search of treasure, you Google your ex and are sucked into a black hole of a tireless hunt through all of social media, emerging hours later with NOTHING BUT HOT GARBAGE and a defeated, lonely heart.
Don’t drink and dumpster dive; you’ll find out they’re either married or terrible and neither will make you feel better.
by Mademoiselle_Quinn April 4, 2020
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When you literally have found your mate or side piece in an act of desperation. You know this because the person is gross and you
Know better. Because they are a dirty, STD ridden whore and everyone knows it
“Man you’re dating Phil? It’s ok, everyone goes dumpster diving sometimes “
by Coleyrae March 22, 2020
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The act of performing analingus on someone after they have defecated and not showered or bathed.
My husband insisted on dumpster diving, even after I ate Taco Bell and had the runs.
by GoBaut619 April 23, 2017
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