everyone who resides in the urbandictionary chat rooms asking for pics and if you want to cyber.
"Hey. asl? pics? webcam?"
"You are such a dumb ass..."
by Olivia53 January 13, 2008
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Girls that usually go by the name Allie.
Allie's don't understand anything and can/will believe anything you tell them. They are also overly obsessive with Christmas and like to play the board game hoarse-opoly
Today I went to that dumb ass's house and played hoarse-opoly
by Amz&Niz November 24, 2008
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well seing as an ass is a word for donkey,i would think that a dumb-ass means a person who is as dumb (or looks like one)as a donkey.Basicly it is an insult of saying someone is dumb or stupid or even a jack ass.
"your such a dumb-ass"
by nah November 14, 2004
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1everyone that voted for bush

2a hick

3someone lacking total common sense

4all of the above (and 2 are a given)
yo mama is a complete dumb ass for not aborting you
by anonomus January 2, 2005
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Drastically Unique Magical Bastard-Actually Super Smart
Your such a dumb-ass!
i know, thanx. You're more of a dumb-ass though.
by fa schow December 14, 2010
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Possessing less intelligence than the body part you sit on.
Easy to read and self explanatory; if you must inquire you are in significant danger of being one!
Shut the bathroom door when you take a shit you dumb ass!
by bemewsed March 22, 2015
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