(n) one who snows
person 1: wow, doony puffed all fatly
person 2: i know! there's tons of fluff stuff on the ground!
by yeahsohay March 3, 2010
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When you get to have sex with a girl
Aye so you gonna let me beat the doonies down
by luis lazano March 25, 2021
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when someone gives you that butterfly feeling in your stomach every time y’all are around eachother or talking
dude alivia gives me mad doonis
by alivia jane May 6, 2019
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a small, smokable joint made out of a hollow piece of dune grass. Though not proven, many swear you can catch a buzz off a few doonies.
pass the doonie, dude.
by looooovesit August 17, 2007
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Ayyy girllll can I beat them doonies down ;)
Let’s take it to the back to beat them doonies down
by Doonie man March 26, 2021
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A dumb idiot who knows nothing and will know nothing
Person 1: Hey, Anthony!
Person 2: Shut the f*ck up, you doonie!
by ralphgamez x youtube November 19, 2015
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basically a really chill person, who shaves lines in their eyebrows and wears real nice jeans. Oh and gets on their mom on King 5
Daaaang, look at Dooni, he lookin real fiiine.
by whashgoody November 24, 2009
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