an insult. ( mad ugly, annoying, retarded )

or shit/poop.
" come with me ? "
" nah, i dont feel like it. "
" uhh, you stupid doodoo. "

(someone walks into the room)
" damnnnn sonn ! you smell like doodoo! "


" wtf, yoo his face looks like doodoo. "

" ahh, damn i gatta go doodoo. "

" goddamnnn! who just too a doodoo
in the toilet and didnt flush ?! "
by marisssa(: July 28, 2008
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Shit, Poop, Ugly people, games you can't win at.
by SIMONA KING March 23, 2019
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A child hood name given to South and North Koreans.

In the old day it was know as a symbol for strength and power. Now a days it symbolizes ssexual prowess, endure an, and drive.
Damnnnn... Bianca got doodoo’ed by Doo.
by D00D00 June 2, 2018
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an alternate word for poop usally used in association with dogs
this crack head broke into my car right and you know what he stole? a fuckin candy bar! so im driving all around my neighborhood looking for a crackhead with chocolate on his face. i found him and i was like:
"whats all this chocolate on your face.....motha fucka?
"chocolate? this is doodoo baby!
Quoting dave chappelle
by dudeus maximus February 28, 2007
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Not to be confused with dodo (and extinct bird species)(alternatively a broadband provider), doodoo is best defined as shit. Aka human waste.
1) I gots the doodoo on meee.
2) Ninian: I just got doodoo internet.
Paula: You mean dodo.
Ninian: Yes I certainly doo.doo.
by wangmeister March 19, 2006
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A word commonly used to describe feces but can also be used as an adjective when talking anbout a certain Battle Royale Style video-game.
by TheticalJester June 28, 2018
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A word meaning poop. Very funny when someone says it by mistake.
"So thats what you should do"
"thats what i doodoo"
"HAHAHA you just said doodoo"
by jimmy2000 February 26, 2007
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