its when your asshole gets fingered while recieving oral sex
"oh yeah keep giving me that ditty while blowing me, it is quite excellent"
by the st3 September 28, 2005
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A large women covered in her bodily fluids - EWWWW DITTY AS FUCK.
by pfffffffffftttttt May 25, 2010
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Fooling around, anywhere from hanging around up and to sexual intercourse. Meant to be used as loosely and ambiguously as possible.
by Choice, choice February 27, 2008
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Boobs that are over size "DD" replacing the word titties
Check out them Ditties
by waywardwords April 9, 2015
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im ganna dake ur ditties, and mash dem shits togedder rite?
by your mothers ditties March 19, 2005
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Ditties are femal breast but with a penis' instead of a nipple's.
Friend 1:hey dude I asked that cute girl out
Friend 2:oh that's good how is it going with that
Friend 3:not so good we were having a good time until she pulled out her ditties
by Sindel ruler of outworld May 16, 2022
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can be used as a noun, verb, adjective or any other part of the english language as a supplemental replacement for any other noun, verb, adjective, etc.
often makes its way into the language of drunken sorority girls with too much time on their hands, and those who are still single.
"That's a cute little ditty."
"She obviously dittled him."
"Did you see the ditties I bought at the mall?"
"Why are there ditty markings all over the wall?"
by Siggle Suite August 5, 2007
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