Any races, religions, or creeds equivalent of white trash. The trashiest people that even trashy people make fun of. Often seen surrounded by ditch piglets.
Don't go to Walmart the first of the month, the ditch pigs will be swarming.
by Ditch Pig Grand Wizard July 5, 2012
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An obese ugly, skank from Sidney, BC who gets sympathy sex because she is so damn pathetic. (These girls generally go by the name Kristy or Wendy)
Girls you see at golf tournaments that hit on pathetic guys who also are in need of sympathy sex - togther this couple defines the term LOSERS.
by Julie Halliday July 6, 2004
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somone that bails on plans, especially at the last minute
yo that biznatch Alice Wong is a DITCH PIG, she totally flopped on us.
by dolphinsrgaysharks August 12, 2011
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Namely a fat gap toothed hick with a bad dye job. Also can be seen at night around bingos and bars looking for a man to have a good time with before going home to wallow in her filth. Also known as a vicki.
Girl at bar: Ew look at that Ditch Pig going home with that Robert
Other girl at bar: Why in the world is he with her ?

First Girl at bar: I dont know but he is obviously blind !
by anonphenom June 17, 2011
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a term used to describe filthy whores and or a mud truck

commonly used in the redneck culture
1) redneck 1: there goes scott he loves that new truck he just got
redneck 2: yeah bro-cha-cho know what i heard he calls it?
redneck 1: whats that skinny?
redneck 2: he calls it ditch pig!
redneck 1: must be becuase that trucks loves the ditch like a dirty whore haha!

2) scott: hey dude,

ween: sup man,

scott: nothing dude, did you see that fugly ass hoe steve left the bar with lastnight?

ween: i know eh she was deffinatly a greasy ole ditch pig
by scottie muck October 30, 2010
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Extremely, unbearably ugly. Word used to describe lip syncing Ashlee Simpson on MadTV.
"You're not cute enough to get away with that. Your sister, maybe. She's hot. You? You're a Florida ditch pig."
by NothingAs1tSeems May 3, 2008
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