Somebody (often immature, a suck-up to a higher power,a square, or a hyprcrite) who 'tells-on' or 'squeals' on other people for doing something considered 'not right' or 'forbidden'.

'Dibber Dobber' is not an endearing term, and these people are often disliked by others.
Thomas: "Are you guys supposed to be on facebook at work?"
Catherine: "Well, not really but we're only having a quick look"
Thomas: "Well, i'm telling the boss..."
Catherine: "Dibber Dobber!"
by Ramblez July 29, 2011
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An Electronic Cigarette filled with Butane Hash Oil, or wax, rather than regular nicotine e-liquid. Basically the same as dabbing, only an e-cig is used rather than a bong.
"Hey man, can I hit your dibber-dabber?"

"Nah dude, I ran out of wax, it's just regular e-cig juice in there"

"So it's not a dibber-dabber?"

"Not 'til I put more wax in"
by BrayDawg November 14, 2014
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Somebody who dibs for very small amounts
Lenny is a cheapskate...He won't even pay a dollar for a pair of board shorts at a thrift store. What a dibber-dabber!
by ErinCatherine September 11, 2008
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