A child-friendly version of the word damn, created by a bunch of retards at the Catholic Church, due to the word's religious significance, but is now ridiculous to teach in our growing liberal society, and because it has the exact same damn meaning as damn.
6 year old boy: Dammit! I hate my life! I hate my damn school! I hate my damn parents! I hate my damn brother! I hate that we're damn poor! I just wanna kill myself, damnit!

Mom: (gasp) You can't say damn! That's a bad word! Say darn instead.

6 year old boy: That sounds stupid! I wanna say damn!

Mom: If you say damn anymore, God is going to send you to hell when you die!

6 year old boy: Oh, okay, I'll say darnit instead.
by LiberatorFromOurselves May 8, 2009
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A Warning that comes too late.
Chester Qualsneck was upset to find out shortly after drinking his 5 hour energy that the bottle had been lying in a birdbath, utterly forgotten for the last year and a half. His outburst of anger toward his laughing "friends" indicated that he would have much preferred a warning rather than the loathsome darning.
by Furious_George July 14, 2011
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What the darn is that?

Dude, I have to go take a huge darn.
by TheDoodstah June 11, 2008
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The dumbass way to say DAMN cause whoever says it is too stupid to use the real word!

God DARN it!
by iBOAi May 9, 2003
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Being surprised.

Something you couldn't/didn't think of.

Something you can't agree on.

This phrase was first started by southern Africans at the time of 17th century. People usually use it now when they see something that they thought was impossible, has been done. Or sometimes it can be used in a manner of not agreeing to something, in case of apologizing etc.
I'll be darned if I say sorry to him.

He finished the game on hard difficulty? I'll be darned.
by The helper ! October 8, 2013
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When you strongly agree with something. General used in a positive way to reinforce what others have said.
Vish: Sounds like we should go on a date
Meg: Darn tootin
by NotTimmy March 21, 2020
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