An old-time non-offensive swear word, much like gosh, sugar and struth. Used in frustration.
Curses! My telephone is talking again!
by Bastardized Bottomburp September 13, 2003
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A muuttered exclamation used when you step in a puddle or whack your head on something or just don't have any eggs for your breakfast, a'la Mojo Jojo
"Curses, the rain water collected on the garage door has poured down into my has deluged my visual has wetted my ocular sensory organs...currrrrrsssesss!"
by Yo Yo Ma (really!) January 5, 2005
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Non offensive expletive usually followed by "Foiled again!"
Lackey: General, your evil robots have been captured by a super hero and your bid to take over the world is over.

General: Curses! Foiled again!
by ms bee February 5, 2010
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A supernatural affliction put upon one by another; usually for the bad and not the good.
Sexy Sue was unsexy after Jake threw that hex on her.
by Modge June 22, 2003
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A stupid excuse for fans of the Red Sox to mask the fact their precious team suck major ass. Wow the Red Sox won a world series, only took them over 80 fucking years.
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n. curse (kûrs)

1. A period in time lasting 86 years.
2. The time period lasting from 1918 to 2004 in which the Boston Red Sox of the American League did not win a World Series Championship in Major League Baseball. The Red Sox finally broke the curse by winning the World Series in October of 2004, defeating the St. Louis Cardinals in a 4 game sweep.
"During the duration of the curse, the loyal Red Sox fans were subjected to excruciating agony."
by bz_sleeper August 21, 2006
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Ghost's most powerful and only attack
Type: ???
Effects: Screen goes black for a moment, a distorted cry plays quickly, when the screen comes back, the opponent is gone, indicating that they have been murdered

Use: can be use in any living being
*Ghost used curse...
*There's no Escape
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