c;ook;er {latin for nothing} a term or exclamation used to describe someone or thing that looks attractive, in most cases females but can be used to describe various other objects. originating from somewhere within the east sussex area. ;'plural c;ook;ing`- cooking is the prosses of being attractive. -the o' sound is regularly elongated for comic effect.
Liam, dat gyl over der is 'cooker' boy!

yh matt dat babe is 'cooking'!
by MiracleM October 19, 2009
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Someone who “cooks” or is often “cookin”. Someone who often smokes marijuana.
“You’re such a cooker” “you always have weed on you, you cooker”
by Fenrir14 December 1, 2017
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A cooker is a person that is baked or high
nick - "oh damn I just spilled the chop"

darcy - "HAHAHA You cooker"
by GatoRadeBillson November 12, 2019
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Someone that spins your wheels. Is out to ruin your day. Frustrates you. Makes you mad. Makes you hot. Wastes your time. Or just plan doesn't know what they're talking about. Someone that cooks you.
What did that guy want? He didn't know. What a Cooker!
by Mike Mc Kay October 6, 2009
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Australian slang for an anti-vaxxer. They are usually against mask mandates, lockdowns and state/international border closures. Many believe in outlandish conspiracy theories.

Can often be seen posting misinformation on Facebook, telling people to "do your own research" and protesting in the streets against "tyranny" and for freedumb. Often votes for One Nation or United Australia Party, but not always.

Comes from "cooked" which is a more polite version of "fucked"

Compare with MAGA in the US, or the trucker convoy in Canada.
"Canberra has a thriving new hobby: watching the cookers" - Canberra Times, 17 May 2022
by Wallywat July 12, 2022
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Australians who were led to believe that mRNA vaccines worked.
Made false claims such as it would stop virus transmission and hospitalisation for those who caught the virus. Definitely could not die once vaccinated. All claims have been proven false, incredibly they claim this was never the case!
Cookers also claimed ivermectin was ‘horse dewormer’ and not for humans. It can be used as a horse dewormer, however, it is a proven treatment and has recently been added to the CDC and NIH antiviral treatments.
‘Recently the CDC in the USA and NIH in the United Kingdom approved Ivermectin for use as antiviral drug.’ New York Times August 2022

Ironically people such as #PRguy and #tomtanuki tried to use the term cooker for persons proven to be telling the truth.
Jeez the cookers claim that the vaccinated can’t spread COVID or be hospitalised where the data says otherwise. Yeah and they claim Nobel peace prize drug is a ‘horse dewormer not for humans’ yup their cooked believe anything anyone tells them.
by Bullpal September 1, 2022
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Australian slang for anyone who questions the government narrative. They may also be called anti-vaxxers or conspiracy theorists. They also oppose mask mandates, lockdowns and state/international border closures.

Can often be identified for posting misinformation on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Advising fellow Australians to "do your own research" as well as protesting against their tyrannical government mandates. Often votes for Liberal Democrats, One Nation, or United Australia Party, but not always.

Derives from the word "cooked", which is more colloquially known as "fucked".
by koro75 October 16, 2022
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