The difficult fight a man faces against his cock when a boner is imminent.
Sarah: Your a good friend Joe. I feel so safe and unthreatened with you. (gives him a hug)

Joe thinking: Oh fuck, man. DON'T get a boner! DON'T a boner.

(Joe loses the cock fight; Joe gets a boner; Sarah tazes Joe; Joe says goodbye to plans of getting in Sarah's pants)
by rogerthewhale December 6, 2010
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Two or more homosexual males (although sometimes it can involve heterosexual males: you know... the frat house type during a keg party) who engage in a duel with their errect penises.
Collin and Justin engage in a cock fight every Friday night before they hit the bars.
by cocker90210 July 1, 2011
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When you shove a rooster up your ass and it fights to get out.
Some people get off from cock-fights; I don't know why.
by A.N. Scriabin November 29, 2007
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When two guys masturbate each other until one cums. The one who cums first is the loser and has to submit to the other's demands.
I had a cock fight with Jeremy last night and I came so fast. He made me give him a blow job.
by ajendus December 28, 2010
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connor donahue likes to have organized cock fights for his guilty pleasure (without chickens)
by sexxxxxxxxxxxxybdoigvnj November 7, 2009
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A fight where males try out the fencing sport but with meat swords.
A: What happened last night at the dojo?
B: Nothing really. Dave and John were just having a cock fight.
by ChaoticPro March 3, 2021
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When two naked men wrestle each other and see who can stick their dick in the other person’s ass first.
Person 1: “Hey Bill, why are you walking strangely?”

Person 2: “Sorry Sam, I lost a cock fight yesterday.”
by TheLastDoughnut September 13, 2019
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