A short version for Chuntaro... not meaning Mexican Wetback but to call every LATINO a straight up Paisa.. meaning straight tacky from their country!!!
by Monchi December 23, 2004
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Example: Did you see thats chick presenting The news last night, damn she was chunting, I would shagg her side-ways, even if she had a wizards sleeve
by Charlie Mcnamara December 9, 2006
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When a person, or a few people, are hunting for sexual female attention or simply: " hunting for cunts."
" Dude, we need to go chunting! " or " I'm going to go chunting tonight. "
by pandabunny April 4, 2010
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A shortened term for 'chestnut cunt' used by horse owners of any awkward chestnut coloured or ginger horses who are normaly just complete dicks. Chestnut horses in general can be difficult so quite a fitting nickname.
After being thrown from my chestnut mare for the 3rd time today, I came to the conclusion that she is a complete 'Chunt'
by Nupty dumpty December 14, 2020
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A chap or chick who is a cunt that is too cunty to be called just a cunt. The H adds emphasis to their cuntiness; someone who thinks they're too awesome when they're not.
Damn brah, she ate all the good skittles and left the nasty ones. What a chunt.

That dude right thurr thinks his leather chaps look cool. What a chunt.
by jaydolla May 26, 2012
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A shortened term for 'chestnut cunt' used by horse owners of any awkward chestnut coloured or ginger horses who are normaly just complete dicks. Chestnut horses in general can be difficult so quite a fitting nickname.
After being thrown from my chestnut mare for the 3rd time today, I came to the conclusion that she is a complete 'Chunt'
by Nupty dumpty December 14, 2020
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