A reaction when watching marvel infinity wars when seeing thanos kill off Loki or many other characters.

Thanos doesn’t deserve the mercy of Christ or even the almighty crackers
Christ on a cracker thanos no! What have you done!”

Serenity, Christ on a cracker.”
by Unawaregirl April 4, 2019
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christ onna cracker (Adverb): an expression of supreme condemnation of the act of another; a denouncement; a castigation
Christ onna cracker, locking yourself out of the house twice in one day is fucking brainless.
by Pinkie_Flamingo March 6, 2011
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Used as an outburst of anger or frustration, or as an exclamation. Often used to refer to weed, or the weather.
Mr. Wiggles takes a huge hit of marijuana and then is unable to hold in the smoke, coughing and choking.
He would say afterwards, "Christ on a fucking cracker!" referring to the smoke.


Mr. Wiggles steps outside to get a breath of fresh air.
He would say, "Christ on a fucking cracker it's cold out!"
by its_tator November 6, 2006
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