A description of someone who cannot survive alone, always needs his someone with him. Alone, he is as overpowering as a bowl of spoiled dhal
Don't be such a butter chicken! Get it together man!
by AsyrafAryssa November 1, 2018
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The best damn pie ever invented. Butter chicken and vegetables inside pastry.
Friend 1: Have you tasted a butter chicken pie

Friend 2: No

by iwannabemrnerimon October 8, 2011
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When a photo of Butter chicken is posted on instagram, people will be all over it commenting
Posts a pic of Butter Chicken
"Lunch in the field" - Pitiful human
"Butter Chicken Logic"- Banana
by The Black Truth November 15, 2016
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Something complete idiots say. Normally fat white lesbains
Dang honey butter chicken biscuit”
by Dork panda131 January 8, 2018
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once you have climaxed and are pulling out to get to her face. but that doesnt work and you jizz all over her pussie

shit i was with this girl last night and i got caught buttering her chicken
by sharman777 October 15, 2009
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poop and cum mixed together after gay butt sex
When Josh's poop mixed with Jacob's cum it made chicken butter.
by Cameron Bott June 27, 2008
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People who always reply to the question "Guess what?... with "chicken butt?"
Fam 1: Bro, guess what?
Fam 2: Chcken butt?
Fam 1: Why do you always say that?
Fam 2: I've been a chicken butter for years
by Whooty wrangler December 24, 2021
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