A female companion who fucks, sucks, and swallows nuts
I met this bitch the other day who sucked my dick while i was taking a shit in mcdonalds. She was a straight up bustdown.
by Real Pimpin August 15, 2006
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in and around warwick ny it means half a cigarette
yo lemme get a bustdown on thate bogie?
by chizzil April 24, 2009
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A slut or whore. A woman who has loose morals, among other things.
That bustdown slept with 50 guys in the past week!
by Illinois Joe May 22, 2006
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A term used in Chicago but also used in various other areas around the country to describe a girl/woman that will let guys run a train on her; or a girl/woman that will suck a dick/fuck for the hell of it no matter the dude(s) social standing.


Once a bust down has sucked/fucked far to many dudes one might say: "she's busted out" referring to her status as an extreme "bustdown". Once a 'bustdown' has sucked/fucked to many dicks the term "busted out" becomes a cautionary warning that she is used up and probably has an STD. (ie: similar to when a bowl is "cashed out")** or ("Dude stay away from that she's been tall busted out")


"Bustdown" can also be used as a term of endearment for one's favorite goto non-girlfriend/non-relationship dick sucking/fucking girl acquaintance. (ie: Bro I love Carly she's my favorite little bustdown)
Example for (1): "Hey man let's hit up Veronica tonight she will let us run a train man she's a for real bustdown"

Example for (2a): "I wouldn't tap that if I were you she's been way to much of a bustdown, I'm pretty sure she's done been busted out by every cat we know."

The term(s): "Cashed" or "Cashed out" can also refer to a spent bustdown if used in the correct context.

Example for (2b): "Damn bro I can't wait to go chill with my favorite little bustdown Jessica; all I gotta do is smoke a blunt with her and she will fuck."
by Jimmy Heatgap January 27, 2012
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a female who has had sex and will have sex w/ multiple males at the same time:a female who has had so many sex partners she can not count anymore;multiple males having sex with one female one after the other
nig1:that gurl right ther is the biggest bustdown in the hood
nig2:that's what it do..i need to get on that!

nig1:we bustdown that gurl just the other night!!
nig2:she NASTY!!!
by Z.S. April 4, 2008
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Simply put, a girl who likes the cock.
Damn, Rachel is a bustdown. Let's head up to Sterks and see if she's ready to bust down!
by Rich East Rocket May 10, 2005
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A girl who is a hoe that is skilled "orally"
A: I heard Courtney was a bustdown?
B: That's nasty, she needs to stop before she catches something.
by Von'a May 5, 2006
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