1. usually talking about a girl who is slutty or a whore. Can also be called bugee hood

2. Pretty much anything a person does not like

3. A favorite word of The Mr. Chi City
1. Dude, don't mess around with that girl, she is so bugee

2. Dude, those chicken nuggets look so bugee
by Ry Dawg G! March 9, 2010
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When your so thrassed and you are just unable to function.
max was buging out after a beer and a fat king l billed by ed
by Ed wrightes October 30, 2015
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tupac goes into a submarine, and uses the sonar machine, but he finds a bug in the machine.

-tupac shakur (north side crip)
Damn nigga... tupac goes into a submarine, and uses the sonar machine, but he finds a bug in the machine. I call that a tupac sonar buge.
by tupacsonarbuge September 10, 2020
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Kind of like tig ol' bitties but instead meaning, "Huge ol' Booty", i.e. a curvaceous badonkadonk.
Damn, Tyrone, check out da buge ol' hooty on dat bitch!
by J.A.Y.A.N February 8, 2004
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A slurred and more fun way to say "huge ol' boobies." This doesn't need any more explanation, except for the fact that you may likely accidently say this if you are drunk off your ass. See also tig ol' bitties.
(Drunkards talking among themselves during the queen's royal banquet)...

"Let us drink tuh tha queer old dean *hic* and lets have sum of thum buge ol' hoobies!"

Mark H. Raping the universal English slang vocabulary on UrbanDictionary since February 2004.
by Mark H June 19, 2005
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A term used to describe brief retirement in devotion to ripping bongs.
by Lord of buges February 14, 2016
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