bubble guts butterflies
he/she gives me bubble guts when i see him/her.
by skunkyfoonk March 8, 2020
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The rumbling, diarrhea feeling you get when you drink nothing but coffee in the morning. Usually results in stinky farts and a swift, sudden urge to shit.
*sips coffee*
Oh shit bubble gut! be right back!
by Jimmy Alejandro August 20, 2010
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After a long night of drinking too much cheap alcohol , the next day your stomach hurts terribly and you feel a massive diarrhea coming on
For fucks sake, I need to find a bathroom because I’ve got the bubble guts
by Niggy Azalea July 16, 2019
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A rumble in your tummy, usually following a night of drinking or a bad green chili burro or both.... that results in bloating, highly active and rambunctious sensation of bubbles and sour farts that emulate dead or the slow rotting of your guts.
I have the worst bubble gut right now.
by CharlieisaRebel February 4, 2010
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When you tummy starts to bubble and you have to shit.A.K.A. the b.g.'s.
James had to leave. He had the bubble gut.
by D.S. March 11, 2005
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A prelude to fart. The sound of gas traveling through your lower intestine before exiting via your ass.
OMG I have some serious bubble guts today! I think I should take the stairs instead of the elevator!
by Urban Know It All October 4, 2011
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Is a term used among weightlifters to describe a protruding gut or abdomen. It's mostly due to the enlargement of internal abdominal organs, caused by the use of steroids.

This term was originally made and popularized by Lui Marco, a You tuber & Fitness enthusiast. Now it's even being used and further popularized by Arnold Schwarzenegger,Kai greene and other influential bodybuilder and figures.

Individuals with a bubble gut are usually extremely lean and muscular but have a protruding gut or abdomen making them appear pregnant.
-That bodybuilder has a bubble gut.
-Bubble gut bonanza.
-THE BUBBLE GUT SONG: hey boy drop it down, let me see that touch the ground, You have a bubble Gut Bonanza, drop it down like a belly dancer. Bubble gut Bubble gut Bubble Bubble Bubble gut.
by Mo E.A March 18, 2018
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