British "people" once lived in a place called the united kingdom. The united kingdom is an ancient civilization so that means these British people are extinct nowadays. They didn't have any teeth and had an odd obsession with tea and crumpets. they often said "OI MATE YOU BRING THEM F*CKIN CRUMPETS ROIGHT?" and mentioned Flats whatever the heck those are.
Brian (crying)- I can't..they are so scary... no teeth...tea... CRUMPETS? WHO SAYS CRUMPETS
Susan: hey it's okay, British people aren't real Brian... calm down now
by ranboob.beloved March 14, 2022
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People who the Americans sometimes like to poke fun at, but the British can't really hear it over their FREE healthcare.
British People - I think an American was trying to insult me for being British the other day, but I couldn't really hear him over my FREE healthcare.
by ed6322 December 5, 2010
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A very strange lot of fellows who love to play Xbox live all day and talk about how fat and worthless the americans are, while they themselves don't know anything about who they are talking to. Usually the most smug and obnoxious ones are the kids, the ones who think they know everything and make very outrageous claims like no other. No one likes a smug british person.
I was playing Call of Duty 4 and some British Person, and his party of British People, started yelling at me about my mom. I think they were about 10-8 years old or something.
by BRITHATA36 September 21, 2008
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Guy: hey look at those british people across the street
British person 1: it's chewsday innit
British person 2: righ
Guy: lol stupid
by Long Sohn Jilvers June 17, 2020
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Little cunts that whine over if the cream goes first on the scone or the jam goes first. And only appreciates if someone had broken something or embarrassed themselves by yelling “WYAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!” and others joining in.
Hey! Do you see those British people there? What a bunch of whinny twats!
by max the cake fairy March 15, 2018
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People who are born in the U.K who have no teeth and have weird accents. Their only comeback is “AT LEAST OUR SCHOOLS ARENT GETTING SHOT UP.”
“I was talking to a british person and he is extremely gay and sucks big hard black penis.” “Well next time tell him he has no teeth and has a weird accent” “Okay” 5 hours later… “He said AT LEAST OUR SCHOOLS ARENT GETTING SHOT UP!” Yeah that’s british people for you… They dont have any other comebacks.
by feddy124 April 18, 2022
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