A word offently used to describe an action or entity thats extremely dumb, yet funny or cute at the same time
Dragons usually act like a dog here, therefore they are bred
by Phamto September 24, 2020
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The ship name of Blue Link and Red Link from the Four Swords Manga.
"Blue and Red together? Hell yeah."
"They have a ship name, ya know."
"Yep. It's Bred."
"Well then... LET'S GET THIS BRED!"
by Wild180 January 7, 2019
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A deliberate misspelling of bread, specifically for use in duck based memes when implying that the respondent is mentally deficient, on par with perhaps, a gamy duck
"it's never ok to feed ducks bred! I'm going to report your page innocent lives could be lost. Bred bred bred"
by Robottittymoot November 13, 2019
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Bred is good
Bred is good
by May 12, 2022
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Girl: Hey Bred
Guy: Hey Babe
by tittyfuckdat July 16, 2017
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He is an idiot who simps and is horny for plants one of them is a character from plant vs zombies heroes solar flare
He is also afraid of the dark yeah such a kid anyways he is also a no lifer that likes to grind in games can't sleep and is always sad because he is also a discord mod witch means he is a loser
So overall he is a big fat idiot horny simp
Thanks for reading this
You are such a loser you are almost became BRED
by BRED IS A SIMP LMAO April 7, 2022
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Born in a particular area, town, city, country, continent. and have been brought up there by your parents, carers ect. for all or most of your childhood + adolecent life.
I was born and bred in the United Kingdom.

Person 1: Hi Im K...., where are you from?
Person 2: Im from the UK, born and bred.
by Louloupops August 26, 2006
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