1. of, indicating, or supporting homosexual interests or issues
2. Displaying female attributes in emotional and physical situation. e.g. presence of man boobs.
3. not strong; liable to yield, break, or collapse under pressure or strain; fragile; frail
"drink the rest of your beer your bradly"
"That flower shirt is very bradlyish"
"Stop watching Australian Idol and turn on the bloody cricket you bradly"
by Sahaja September 4, 2008
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bradly is a boy that will cheat on his ex girlfriend then get with you a month later. four months into your relationship will treat u like an option and make u feel like everything he said is a lie. be will then break up on you on your four month to get back tg with his ex (that he cheated on) the same day and probably slept with her the night before. after you breakup he will tell u he still loved u and cares about you then talk the most shit about you with his friends and his new gf (his ex).
bradly’s ex broke his dick!
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A small dick'ed idiot who is completely incompetent and says things like "What are those"
That GG is such an Bradly and I'ts like tots mcgoats
by dioblo666 February 28, 2017
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Bradly, a black boy that thinks he’s cool and will wear a Du Rag EVERYDAY just to try to get waves. Even though he won’t ever get waves, he will try and try and try. He thinks he can beat everyone in everything and usually puts himself above god. Bradly isn’t a very good guy.
Bradly is such a stupid nigger.
by The 1 and Only Lil Chungus March 15, 2019
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People have so often spelled/printed/embriodered/tattoed! my name without the Y, so I just see bradly bradly bradly🥺 So I yam reclaiming that tragic error on behalf of Bradleys everywhere as an adverb synonymous with 'awesome'😜
Q: How were those shrooms you got from Dickie?

A: Bradly as FUCK!!!👍
by Anonymouse Donor October 27, 2020
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Bradly Moment is referring to when someone does something incredibly stupid/dumb. Equivalent to someone having a massive bozone layer and or having brain worms.

Term originates from Paul Bradly a American school student who was incredibly dumb and had a stutter, leading him to being hated and bullied.
Angelo: Damn bro Chris just had a massive Bradly Moment.

Xavier: I know right!
by Defen1 October 11, 2021
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Bradly Stewart

is a cold hearted dick who doesn’t know how to make friends and more importantly face reality on how he can’t get a girl it’s been 7 years 3 months and 9 days since this trash can had a girl friend
by Bradly Stewart him self June 19, 2018
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