Hot person: Hey do u know who is
Not hot preson:No? Who are they?
Hot 0erson: Its an seggsy bitch who uses she/xey pronouns and we need to pray.
Not hot perosn:Why?
Hot person: Because Damien supremacy!
Tae/Damien (,hottest person) supermacy🛐
by Sophie Walten July 29, 2021
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A person who keeps changing their name an pfp that also bites ice cream and kins perfuma from she ra and Lilith and willow from the owl house

"Hello Damien pissbaby!"

-how to be a good friend to
by August 4, 2021
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a person who has dumb ass friend who call him that when his name is Cody
Look at that boi, Box Boi Boati
by that one two nigga February 27, 2018
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