Oh man, i'm totally going to boont the fuck out of that girl!
by Chumpasorus December 28, 2011
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A deep South term for a premo, or wetstick or blunt laced with cocaine, pcp, or other powdered/liquid drugs.
"you gotta hit this bro, it will fuck you up! Oh, it's a Boont Blunt by the way."
by Lucca Brassi March 26, 2009
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When you eat spicy food and feel the burn when you fart
That 3 Mile gave me that hot boonky boont
by fidelity March 19, 2015
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charleston(SC) slang for a blunt of weed mixed cocaine. a choice of drug preferred by junkies.
“Cowboys gonna win the Super Bowl.”
“Man shut you flam ass up. You been smoking boont.?”
by Geechee843 May 20, 2020
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Gettin kicked in the soft spot between your vagina and asshole
I boonted her straight in the Cunt dard
by iamtoocoolforschool April 30, 2016
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