The alter-ego of a balloon, just said, as someone who has a slight hint of tourettes.

Pat: someone in my 3rd hour popped a bloon and i hid under my coat
Pat: balloon*
Pat: im glad i can spell and stuff ;-)
Justin: lol.
Justin: i'm glad too.
Justin: it's the ghetto way.
Pat: hehe
Justin: bloon
Justin: HAHA
Pat: say it out loud
Pat: wow
Justin: BLOOON!
I made the bloon, go POP! So, I scared the living hell out of myself, and Pat. So, he slapped me, and I just smiled.
by Justin W. March 12, 2005
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A portmanteau term for "blush" and "swoon," describing the sensation of pleasant, rosy embarrassment one feels upon being given a particularly nice compliment.
When he told me I was the sun and the moon, I couldn't help but bloon.
by sqrrlgrrl November 15, 2017
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a rare subgenre of BDSM involving the defense of a tower of inflated women from a horde of naked malnourished men under 5’4
my girlfriend and i have gotten way into
blooning lately. those little men stood no chance against my raw sexual appeal!
by iceicebb April 5, 2021
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Term used to define arabian oil farmers that are sexually active.
Wow Ima pull a Bloon today, first- farm this petroleum oil then get laid weekly.
by GucciHector December 3, 2009
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'orange bloons' refers to a extremely off topic comment that some dumb ass has said to try and prove a point. usually when he/she is out of arguments.

comes from the game Bloons, where the no orange balloons ever
bob: 'i think we should to to the beach today cause it is really hot'

sarah: 'but i just wanna eat a cheese cake'

bob: 'i don't see any orange bloons'
by smee6644 December 13, 2009
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A term popularly used in the femboy community, requesting that all femboys in the nearby area meet up to have rough anal sex for multiple hours, non stop.
Squizxy: wanna hop on bloons
farfacord: 🥴
by Squizxy July 29, 2021
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