A nice way to call a bitch that she smells fishy
Husband: oh dear, you are Bishy today
Wife: how dare you ( slaps him and walks out the door )
by sexy Siri June 6, 2016
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A romanized noun version of the adjective/noun, "Bishi", witch derives from the Japanese noun, "Bishounen"(A very beautiful guy (man-pretty)). Bishiness, in the noun form, represents the very essence of "man-pretty".
The term Bishiness was first developed by a 17 year old male in Ohio County, Kentucky, who was nicknamed by his peers as "Bishi", to describe anything that involved his face.
"Wow, did you see Ethan today? He is SOOO hawt!"
"Well, that IS the way Bishiness works."
by Sarah Spiff! September 12, 2007
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Here is a tribute to all our sexy naruto bishies.
by musanim July 13, 2009
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A term used by anime fan girls Otaku and Weeaboo, often as the term used for male anime characters, who the fangirl, wishes was real. Often there is a list kept, ranking every preferred anime male. The lists are often posted on sites such as Deviantart or facebook.
"Omg, him, he's totally going to be a bishy!!"
"My Bishy list is soo long now, I'm not sure but I may cut a few out."
by Rusgeth October 25, 2012
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Bishi is a guy which has bitchy hair with zero to none rizz. He thinks hes hot and doesnt know that he will never touch a girl in his life. Hi thinks hes good at soccer but only jumps.
Hey bishi have you kissed a girl yet
No, but I'm only 73 I still have time.
by sherilaine January 19, 2023
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A guy whom you find hot and/or have a crush on.

A shorter version of the Japanese word bishounen.
Melissa and Cassie think Brian is hot, but he is MY bishie.
by sHiNtSuKi-PeNgUiN June 13, 2004
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Noun- a term used to refer to beautiful boys, not men. They often have feminine features and alot of times can be mistaken for a girl by a non-fAnimers.

Contrary to popular belief, this term isn't really a shortened form of "bishounen". It is used to refer to boys under the age of fourteen.
Sora (Kingdom Hearts) is a bishie.
by vampwhisper October 23, 2009
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