Fuck! Killing this hobo put me in a bind
by NiggerJoe August 18, 2006
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To "bind" a key on ones keyboard to preform a specific task when struck. Normally preformed in console baised PC games such as Counter-Strike. This is generally used to allow the player to say entire sentences with the stroke of 1 bound key.
Player brings up his console and types... bind \ "say LoL we pwned you wOoT!".
After this whenever the player strikes his \ key his character will say "LoL we pwned you wOoT" in his chat menu.
by MacKaySauce March 18, 2005
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Binding, short for breast binding. Usually done by lesbians or transexuals. When a girl uses an Ace bandage or something like that to wrap around her upper abdomen make her chest look less noticable.
I thought the girl was just flat-chested but she's binding!
by Kerrehhh July 8, 2009
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Straps that hold your snow boots into place on a snowboard that keep your feet in place. They are able to be adjusted according to the riders' preferred stance.
I ride a Burton 2007 Custom X board with the 2007 Cartel bindings with toe caps. Gnar
by call me sometime January 29, 2009
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As in "binding the jewels." To tie rope around a dude's balls and/or cock, as a ball stretcher or just for the tight sensation. It also keeps them from shriveling in the cold. Caution: Left in place too long or tied too tight the rope could cut off circulation. Uncaution: Could make orgasm way more intense.
Dude, my balls keep shriveling in this cold weather. Tomorrow after I shower and they're loose I'll have to bind them.
by KingKeyOne69 October 25, 2017
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Simple spell for restraining its target. Ropes are most likely made of a magical material and would vanish after its use is done. Unsatisfactory against a large group of people, as it would cost too much energy for the spirits involved.
He ran towards me, but I quickly shot a Bind at him.
by Kwing October 29, 2009
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Your Grandma: "Oh yeah, park that thing in my tailpipe big boy!"
Mailman: "Hahaha! You ain't gonna shit right for a week!"
Your Grandma: "Actually I haven't enjoyed regular bowel movements for 20 years since this damn Atkins diet has been binding me like crazy. I've got more shit in me now than a port-o-john at the town chili festival!"
Mailman: (loses his lunch) "TMI, you old wench!"
by Nick D January 24, 2005
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