Camping and/or cramming numerous bodies (people and pets alike) in a homeslice's basement for a particularly awesome weekend.
"I would much rather go on an extra basementation than go to another townie wedding."
by basement squatter September 28, 2012
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The place I hear screaming from also the home of Discord Mods
Karam:Why is there screaming coming from the basement?
Betty:Must be the rats letting you know they're there.
by aRandomNoob7 November 16, 2020
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Some were to put random kids and hide your weed
Get in my Basement
by Feet with toes December 10, 2020
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not just a basement, but a house that everybody refers to as "the basement." The basement in the house is the best part of the house where everybody congregates and chills.
"yo lets go to the basement and figure out what we are going to do."
by core 5 August 10, 2006
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The doctrine of uncovering & circulating grimy, lyrical and unapologetic hip-hop.
Harold: "Did you hear that new Young Money song on the radio"

Matt: "Nope. Basementalism only plays real hip-hop."
by TychoBachman April 7, 2010
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