the state of being baked or stoned of the substance marajuana while being maggot or drunk of alchol. this state causes extreme loss of any bodily function and sex appeal making you liable to sleep where you please and general removing all clothing
Man, Chaz was so baggot after all those cones he pulled and the bevens he necked wat a mad cunt...
by george the maggot king September 4, 2008
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someone who is a faggot and a beaner at the same time
by goddamnitboburafag123 December 12, 2022
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A person who is always confused or lost in a game
by Ferf4040 November 2, 2020
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Baggot is an Irish name. It was given to the toughest police officer in town.

What would happen if a teenager was arrested he got a onetime get out of jail free card.

If he said my dad is a cop the police were supposed to bring the kid to his father’s house and the father was supposed to beat the kid until the police said it was enough. This was supposed to be a onetime thing only for teenagers. They would do this even if the father wasn’t a police officer.

For kids whose dads were in jail or were dead they would say, "I am Mr. Baggot's friend." The police brought the kid to Mr. Baggot’s house. He would beat the kid up until the police said he had enough.
The name would usually be given to the toughest police office but was often given to a civilian. If Mr. Baggot was a police officer who made it to the age of retirement without losing a fight he would keep it as his family name.
I am Mr. Baggot's friend
by joeyt89 April 8, 2015
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A term to describe someone who acts gay but is straight. (Straight Faggot)
Owen is such a baggot
by Pickle483 March 15, 2021
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A gay person who specifically gives off Bi energy.
Man, Bluey sure is a baggot isn’t he?
by RadChad11 December 16, 2020
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The 'B' is representative of someone being a bag and the rest a faggot, implied the bag being useless and empty on the inside.

'Shat' (is past tense 'shit') is fluently composed when used with 'Baggot.'

The conjunction of the two words creates an effortless, expressive, and eloquent flow of dangerously-concocted insult to it's recipient.
Some Rison guy: Cheseley, You're a tool and an annoying nonsense to everyone around you, shat baggot.

Some Cheseley guy: You wanna go there? Well I'm gonna (pathetic comeback imminent)
by (9+10)x2 = 42 | 42x10 = 420 April 11, 2017
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