Complete elation or satisfaction with a particular app downloaded on one's smart phone.
Angry Birds was so entertaining that it gave me such appiness!......until it got old.
by UpTop November 21, 2011
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"Appie" is short for apprentice, (new guy) generally used by motorcycle/automotive technicians.
Hey appie! hand me that wrench and then get me some coffee! - Now!
by Darren W August 1, 2007
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-To be very spirited about App state
-To have to many Apps
-"Look at her, she's very Appy"
-"My ipods running slowly because its soo Appy"
by MrFox91 December 8, 2010
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appy is a type of waste being eliminated from our body , usually used on Malayalam or tamil language.

"man stop putting appy"
by bvkskskkkkkkk June 18, 2018
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An adjective to describe a non-jewish, Jewish American Princess. The goy version of jappy.
Larry: "Oh man, did you see her face when her mom said she wouldn't buy her that gucci purse? She's so jappy"
Ben: "Yea, but she's not Jewish."
Larry: "Good call. She's appy"
by Gordito September 5, 2007
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Young boogie persons of the aspirational class who work in tech, live in a 1st tier global cities, earn a good salary and does the usual things of someone of their pedigree: wearing pricey but very plain looking clothing, traveling to the latest global hipster spots, eating in bougie places, going to expensive music festivals, taking photos of themselves in an infinity pool, and dabbling in semi-alternative things here and there. This persona often has an active lifestyle, is socially liberal, quite socially inept when facing real people, and has very inconsistent taste in music & film. Basically, an appy is a 2010s era yuppy.
I got priced out of the Bay Area by all the appies who moved in the past 10 years.
by THOTleader September 5, 2019
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