Short hand for American Decendents Of Slaves. Generally a way for some American blacks to differentiate themselves from black immigrants to the United States. One could be all or part ADOS.
Olu: Where you from?

Terrance: I'm from Detroit bro

Olu: No, I mean like where your family from?

Terrance: Detroit bro. Extended family from the south, I'm ADOS.
by James Parkwood February 18, 2019
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A japanese utaite, Most known for her song Usseewa, and is very famous and very very cool you should stan her today
A: do you stan ado?
B: she sounds like a dying rat
A: kyale yaur shelf
by Ky2kets3k111 June 20, 2023
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Attention Deficit Oooo Shiny!
That one kid that you know that you try to talk to but all your conversations just end up like this
"Hey whats up?"
"Did you watch the superbowl?"
"Yea it was Oooo look a bird! I haven't seen one of thoes for like five minutes!"
That guy has ADOS.

by bikewrecker February 7, 2007
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Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny

A person who has suck a high degree of ADD or ADHD that they are distracted by the most meaningless of objects
John: So then she told me that it was over and that she doesn't want to see me any more
Tim: Oh man, I'm sorry to hear abou... oh look a penny
Jim: Wow dude, you have total ADOS
by NinjaJJ April 27, 2009
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Attention Deficit Oooh Shiny!
People say I have ADD, but I have ADOS. Oh, look, shiny!
by Ms Cullen July 11, 2008
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A Japanese singer debuted in 2020, born in 24th October 2020. Known for being a talented singer at an early age, her voice being powerful and giving off angsty teenager vibes.

Collaborated with Syudou in 2020 together to make a masterpiece that striked in popularity and will forever leave a mark and an impact to Japan, “うっせえわ” (Usseewa).
“Have you ever heard of Ado?”
“Yeah, that Japanese singer? Her songs are all bangers, not a single song you won’t enjoy. I love the songs ‘Show’ and ‘Kura Kura’”
“Dang, I love ‘Atashi Wa Mondaisaku’ and ‘DIGNITY’ personally!”
by user7770 October 6, 2023
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