refer to the clothing attire a person is wearing.
A dawg I'm bout I got to hit the mall to grab some new wears.

A run me by the house first I got to switch up wears.
by Sosmoove86 May 30, 2008
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Getting absolutely owned, equivalent to getting a load busted onto your face.

The phrase and definition were derived from the idea of "wearing" a load of semen to the face. The phrase also carries over into everyday use referring to hang overs or other displays of general weakness.
I busted on Charlie's mom, she was wearing it.
Charlie's mom is always wearing it (her pearl necklace(s).
I heard once Charlie made his mom wear it.
Getting puked on.
The female "soreness waddle"
Taking a load to the face.
Passing out on the toilet.
Not being able to do the last pull up.
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Pretty much the money shot, after some one has finished on another, hence, Fuck You.
"Dude I just banged your mom, wear it."

"I just got an A on my exam, wear it."
by Taylor Y September 27, 2006
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showing off one's status in the organization by dressing the part. "Wearing it" usually involves an Italian suit, a pinky ring, a hankie in the breast pocket, gold cufflinks, and other ornamentation. Silvio has his own inimitable way of wearing it.
by VAKI5 January 20, 2005
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get fat -booting (eating) lots of high fat foods and imaging them turning straight to fat and taking up shop ('residence') on and around ones' body parts.
that coconut cream pie is better than sex!, but i'm going to end up wearing it!

i love me some pie! (pizza) but i'll just end up wearing it!!
by michael foolsley December 5, 2009
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The wearing (or not wearing) of underwear. Similar to freeballing.
Male 1: Hey gurl, you wearing?
Skank that would actually respond: Hell to the no.
by Syntra December 16, 2008
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Anything that is tiresome, boredom, wearey (obviously) and basically just shit. All of the above cause weare, not depression, just the feeling of weare; can not be bothered to move, respond, not in a bad mood, not in a good mood, just want the feeling to end.
"god I've just been phoned by that girl from last Tuesday and she's got the clap"

"mate that's rubbish you must be feeling the weare"

"yeah it's wearey"
by toad888 July 17, 2008
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