"O my god! did you see the right munter kevin picked up last night"
by Jaki Jordan August 20, 2005
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The word used to describe a truly hideous beast of a woman.
Lambert says :"OMG Steve that must surely be the biggest munter i have ever seen"
Steve says : "Yeah i know look at the face"
by Steve-oholmes November 1, 2005
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(noun, New Zealand slang)person lacking in intelligence who is prone to causing harm and injury to own self.
"Did you see that jump? What a munter!"
by David Gerbault January 5, 2003
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A state of chemical inconvenience, often involving ravers and goths.
by Xifer May 2, 2004
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1 extremely ugly person
2 someone who is completely wasted on one or all of the following drugs; Ecstasy Speed/Amphetamines Magic Mushrooms, LSD, Poppers Ketamine or Cocaine, usually in combination with copious quantities of alcohol. Commonly displays symptoms of sweating, dishevelledness, gnawing of the inside of the cheeks, gurning (often without realising it), inability to focus, barely capable/ incapable of stringing a coherent sentence together.
Calling someone a munter can be used as an insult, or perversely as a druggy term of endearment amongst fellow wasters
Apparently a Kate Moss doll is going to be made where she looks like a total munter.
If you enjoy a good session you're a munter.
by Katherine23 April 12, 2006
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Someone so hideousely ugly that one has the physical urge to beat them to death with a heavy object.
"Jesus that bird you fancied was a right munter Andy."
by A.Macinnes December 19, 2004
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