The 6th largest continent located near the south coast of mongolia. It can also be used to signal when a joke has been made.
Person 1:I just joined a terrorist organisation.
Fbi: You what.
Person 1: Zimbabwe
by C3po said the n word June 11, 2019
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Noun: A country with insignificant harms from landmines. Anyone doing this country in policy debate this year is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
I can't believe you're using Zimbabwe as your country!
Did you know Zimbabwe only had 5 deaths and 21 injuries from landmines?
by Medso Fag November 25, 2004
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This is a delectable type of curry which is championed by Ian McNeice. Eat it at your own peril.
"I could really do with a Curry Zimbabwe"
by John Keats February 14, 2007
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A really deep throat on a woman, occuring from a super elongated neck. In reference to the african women who wear all those friggin' rings around their neck; most likely so they can swallow the ultimate ding dong.
ron: Damn, check out that chick over there!

charles: Holy shit, look at that giraffe neck on her.

ron: Thats classic zimbabwe throat; shell devour your shit no problem.
by edelberry November 7, 2010
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you lay across two chairs then someone below you sticks a penis up your ass then you stick your penis on a person on top of you's ass. You must maintain constant insurtion, thus making it look like a piston of a car.
Last night George, Steve and I got two chairs and decided to Zimbabwe Piston
by Rim Dad Toucher February 20, 2011
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The greatest country in the world. You will all bow down to this country. Nobody, and i mean NOBODY will satand in the way of them.
"Hey, have you heard about that country Soviet Zimbabwe, They are amazing"
by W3AB00 January 22, 2018
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The sexual act of dragging your nutsack across a persons face, just like a zamboni does to the ice.
“I totally gave Tracy a Zimbabwe Zamboni last night! My nuts made her face so smooth!”
by Dixie Chicks on Dicks June 5, 2018
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