A mother who is interested in looking after herself as well as her family while taking pride in her appearance. She doesn't have to be gorgeous just a little interested in being mildly fabulous!
There is nothing a yummy mummy likes more than leaving the kids with dad and taking off for a pedi and a mini manicure.
by gnabunne August 12, 2006
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An attrative mother who is usally married to a rich man. She spends most of her days shopping, getting her nails and hair done, at coffee with friends and watching Oprah,while her childern are at day care and her husband is at work. Often extremely spoiled and have not worked since thier childern were born.
by ambi August 16, 2004
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An attractive older woman or an attractive mother. See also MILF.
"Have you ever been to her house? Her mom's a total yummy mummy!"
by VAKI5 May 7, 2005
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a sexy mom, basically a milf...a mom who is attractive and "yummy"
"dude his mom is so hot, such a yummy mummy!"
by geegee June 29, 2003
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A yummy mummy is a mum who takes care of her wellbeing. She takes regular time out for herself and fills her life with people who inspire, motivate and support her.

A yummy mummy does not judge other mothers, but shows kindness, compassion and cares for others.
I'm a Yummy Mummy. I always have time for ME.
by YummyMummyNZ October 16, 2010
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a sexual act in witch the female puts chocolate on her pussy and the male uses a fruit roll up as a condom and before he ejaculates the female eats the fruit roll up.
i gave her the old yummie mummy last night
by The Yummiest Mummyist October 4, 2017
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yummy mummy 1.(n). A middle-aged woman
worthy of a good seeing to, eg.
Helen Mirren. 2.(n). A young mother with a
fantastic arse pushing a buggy.
by C February 24, 2004
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