Adj. To sniff a drug. Originated in the dirty den. (Meriden, Connecticut)

Adj. For a male to Jack-Off.
I just yerked a pill.

I just yerked some cocaine.

I just yerked in the bathroom.
by CHALK1110 August 23, 2008
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Basically Jacking off
-Orginated in Cali when someone was refering to Jerky and other people translated it as yerky
Joe - "Hey nick what were you doing"
Nick - "Just got done yerking it"

Joe - "Bout to go have a sick ass yerk session"
by Yerkmaster February 18, 2010
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Lessy:Wat ben n jerries ice cream are we eatting
Victor: IDK yerk :p
by Victor :p August 12, 2007
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N. To Sniff a drug.
N. To Jerk off.
N. To Puke after drinking.
Damn you yerked that coke fast dude.
Damn dude, don't yerk in public!
Dudeee, DAMN, you yerked all over my shoes.
by CHALK1111 November 17, 2008
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When a person demands that an individual complete their work.
Commmanding a slacker to finish their tasks, and make their life worthwhile.
"alice! go finish up yerk!"
by Anant Patel May 5, 2006
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i just got done yerkin it or so whos down for a yerk sesh
by grillled yease October 18, 2007
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