A color made when mixing red and white with less red.
Yed looks a bit like #FF8073 in a web designers color palette.
by MpegEVIL May 3, 2011
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it is yes but written and said with a d.
'did you do the dishes?'
'yed, I did'
by Calm-newspaper January 5, 2022
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Yed is another form of yes typically used when someone agrees with something so much that they abandon the English grammar laws and go with this fun alternative.
Person 1: Anime is one of the most popular sources of happiness.
Person 2: YED.
by D_baggage_the_autizmo August 23, 2020
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Yed means yes but the person was to lazy.. became a epic meme when @white_sticky_pee started using it in every sentence
Person 1: bro wtf you dip with skoal?
Person 2: yed
Person 1: that's epic
by AztecreksYT May 6, 2018
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Also known as a steak and kidney pudding, and is used mainly in Northern England. It is pronounced exactly as it is read, and is phonetic of the way us people from Wigan say 'baby's head.' I suppose some people must think that a steak and kidney pudding must resemble a baby's head. Quite funny really.
"I'll have a babby's yed, chips and gravy please"
by Gaz_Wigan April 26, 2006
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A steak pudding. Pronounced as "bab is yed"
Think I'll get babies yed chips n gravy from the chippy.
by Billinge lad August 12, 2015
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Description of a Steak pudding (in the north of England) as the dimple at the top is similar to the soft area on a new born babies head.
by Dave Shave Parr January 4, 2017
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