A person who attends Yale University.
A Yalie is obviously very smart when it comes to school, but not when it comes down to the streets. They chose a school in New Haven.. they’re surrounded by gangs. They also push a pull door and give money to strangers who “have diabetes” (crackheads). A Yalie could be a good friend, if you have diabetes and a revolving door, besides that they’re useless.
The Yalies are the worst part of New Haven.
by SharkL May 1, 2019
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Yalis is a very loving and caring person that will always make your day no matter what you will always want a Yalis in your life and if you ever get one never let her go. You will always love Yalis no matter who she choose because she will also be a very good friend when you see Yalis it just changes your whole mood you can go from sad to happy she is a great person to talk and just have a simple conversation not matter if it’s in the car or on the beach Yalis is just pure
Did you see that Jayden dates Yalis he must be happy
by YAHJMC December 17, 2020
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Yalied means you turn into a love pursuer, but you're not sure of the scary outcome that she might reject you, so you would use this word.
I'm yalied now, because her looks and beauty has shocked me for a long long time
by PursuingTrueLove June 9, 2021
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Yali can be anyone or anything, and can be used in every sentence:
Jim: Why are you such a yali Bob?
Bob: You're the yali.
by kabir November 24, 2014
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A sexual act during which the man defecates in the woman's mouth. She then begins to perform oral sex on the man, but at a certain point he takes over and uses the residue as lube to masturbate on her face.
Yale sucked so much against Harvard that I gave that girl a yalie to release my frustration.
by John Harvard January 7, 2006
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She was pretty old but she insinuated she was wearing a yalie so I went with it.
by Will Cosby February 4, 2010
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