A man who contains sexiness, and has big fingers, or shoes. In some cases, he contains both.
by lpwizard08 December 18, 2005
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One who defeats everyone in both Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Aliens Versus Predator 2. Derived from a player's name, said to be the best in the world.
The "xen" killed every member of the opposing team with one panzerfaust shot.
by Anonymous October 26, 2003
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A dumb but actually really smart person. Xen likes to joke around with friends but is entirely able to be serious. He’s a big time anime obsessor and likes to make edits to post on TikTok. Xen is understanding and really chill. Not to mention HIS MUSIC TASTE??? pop off 🤭 He’s overall one of my BEST FRIEEEENDSSSS and I wish the best upon him and will love him forever <3
Person 1: why is that person so fine bro
Person 2: be so fr
Person 1: huh
Person 2: that’s Xen
Person 1: OHHHH that makes sense
Person 2: ikr Xen is like so gorgeous
Person 1: purrr 😻
by urhotbtw December 1, 2022
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A very cool and swag youtuber. Check him out.
Dude: Wow Xen X's content is insane! He even does normal memes and anime memes and shitposts!
Other guy: Yeah Ima go check him out right away! With the anime pfp!
by まな Y November 25, 2020
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A designated marijuana smoking area, in which the element of nature MUST be present. Eg in an actual garden, or on a balcony where there are some plants etc...
Goodness gracious me, Is your brother stoned again?

Why do you ask mom?

He has been sitting in the Xen Garden for two hours...
by Xen man September 2, 2009
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When someone changes their appearance and name to the point of becoming completely unrecognizable.
1: Hey, what’s your name?

2: I’m Xen.

1: That didn’t help at all, thanks.

2: We met last year… I’m Previous Name.

1: OH, sorry, Xen Paradox.
by who tf do you think? August 18, 2021
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