The feeling of anxiety and general longing that one feels when they are not roaming the wasteland in any game of the Fallout series for any extended period of time.Symptoms include irritability, lack of attention while driving, and looking in random boxes and trash cans for scrap metal.
"I would love to go to the movies with you, but... Fallout.I can't have a relapse of Wastelanditis!"
by bosman752 August 27, 2012
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a Detroit original: the stripmall infested corporate diamond mines, geographically located just outside of the city boundaries, otherwise known as the SUBURBS. The first part of name describes the area's contributions to it's parental city's resources. The second part of the word is just ironic. Also the home of the WASTE-OID.
We drove through miles of wastelands on our journey to the city, stopping only once for a burger named mac and a biggie fry.
by Mel March 4, 2005
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A "Wasteland" is an alternate name for a Butt-hole, Rectum, Anus, Rusty Sheriff's Badge or Chocolate Start fish. It is generally dark, dank, smelly and moist.
Welcome to my wasteland where you will hear my thunder, see my lightening, and feel my wrath imposed upon you.
by Ameri-Do-Te November 5, 2015
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A Detroit original: any strip mall infested suburban community that sits directly outside of the city limits, but for some reason still considers itself part of the city, despite its obvious geographic, architectural, social, and cultural differences.
She lives in the wastelands to avoid paying city taxes, and drives in every weekend, doors locked, to go to the club.
by Mel March 4, 2005
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A 160 page novel written by Francesca Lia Block. Involves incest, love, siblings, and suicide.
I just finished reading 'Wasteland'. It was actually really depressing in a sense. Poetically depressing. A lot of emotion coursed through those words on these pages, giving you an almost inside depth into these characters least for me anyway. Despite the short length (took me about half an hour to read), the story itself makes up for it. I can see the reason why so many summaries written about this book say its aimed for more sophisticated readers. With the authors writing style, and with the plot as well, which deals with a sensitive subject, incest, it makes the reason quite evident already. Overall, I just like the book, the idea, everything. I don't like reviews that reveals the whole, I just recommended you to read this book if you like stories with depth, and raw emotion.
by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx February 16, 2006
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Someone who rejects relationships and chooses to go it alone; lonely and miserable they still persevere in a wasteland of their own creation.
A fucking wastelander.. that's what I am. Fuck me.
by NorthNomad November 16, 2017
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Spending time doing pointless bullshit or being otherwise unproductive. Wastelanding is usually an enjoyable activity (such as watching TV or playing video games) but ultimately a complete waste of time and of existence. Also known as "wasting away".
Person 1: Hey Spencer, what have you been up to?
Person 2: d00d I got Madden '08 and I've just been at home wastelanding

Guys Spencer couldn't join us this evening as he is busy wasting away

by Spencer Smith March 22, 2008
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