The Wadsworth Constant states that the first 30% of any YouTube video can be skipped as it is irrelevant.
Go to YouTube - pick any video and skip to 30%. Rewatch the whole video and see if the bit you missed at the beginning adds anything. If not the Wadsworth Constant is in action.
by GFEDCBA4321 October 2, 2011
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The Wadsworth constant, first postulated by Redditor Wadsworth, states that one can skip the first thirty percent of most videos while still maintaining the integrity of the content.

The constant itself is indicated by the lower case Greek letter Xi (ξ).
By applying the Wadsworth Constant to the above text, we find that it is shortened to a much more readable version.

"One can skip the first thirty percent of most videos while still maintaining the integrity of the content."
by IamIvan October 2, 2011
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An elongated version of dick-wad. Sounds fancy and can go by unnoticed if you don't want others to know.
-Who called?
-(Referring to an ex) Richard Wadsworth.
by Nanashikage October 20, 2011
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Is a being among all, with a massive cock, he’s above all, his cock is so juicy and fat that it leaks 19 gallons of sperm’ a minute, all in all jerious wadsworth is a segs god who can be gay at times,

He also analy fist people time to time…
by Quandary dinhole July 27, 2022
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Wadsworth Ohio is a small piece of shit town in Northeastern Ohio. There is, quite literally, nothing to do here. There's a Wal-Mart and a library. That's it.
Taylor: I just moved to Wadsworth Ohio.
Bob: Oh, I'm sorry. that sucks for you.
by Sometimesimawesome March 7, 2011
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A person that impulsively challenges people to clap push-ups
Ross Wadsworth - “I’ll purchase your establishment for fifteen clap push-ups.”

Stranger - “What are you talking about?”

Ross Wadsworth - “Are you sure you aren’t just weak?”
by 7/11 Pizza August 27, 2018
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Absolute legend in bed, always makes you cream and loves milfs
Jaxon Wadsworth is very hot
by Yusin bumm February 27, 2022
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