Uncyclopedia, trying to be the politically correct, SFW clone of Encyclopedia Dramatica, is one of the most unfunny sites on the internet.
by Colder August 24, 2011
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A piece of garbage that is lauded by an entire generation, yet can't really make people laugh.
I Love Lucy is perhaps the most unfunny show that is mistakenly called funny in the history of television.
by XerxesTWD--BOOYAH! April 2, 2007
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Someone like Lily Singh, King Bach, or Hannah Stocking who default to bad sex jokes, dumb faces/noises, or orange man bad jokes. Unfunny is a word that can apply to others who use this same humor, or it can be used to describe any bad meme, video, gif, etc.
The gif shown below is a gif of Lily Singh, the unfunny one listed above.
Person 1: Hey guys, that's what she said!!1!!!1!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! KONO DIO DA!!!! THUNDER CROSS SPLIT ATTACK!!!!
Every other rational being over the age of 2: Shut the fuck up you dumb unfunny piece of shit. I would like nothing more than to hear you scream after your head has been slammed into a waffle iron.
by "Your-mom-gay"-smart_bebe June 17, 2021
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Someone who you just CANNOT relate to aka Lele Pons
by Amiiiii April 5, 2019
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