synonym to yeah right, as if, or ye, used in a disrespectful way most of the time, originated in pendleton, south carolina!
Ugly dude: Hey, wanna go to prom with me?
me: 12!
by P-town.. U Know April 12, 2005
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MUCH higher than I can count; I don't even have enough fingers to do that one.
Well, I can't count to ten but someone told me I've got ten fingers... That's close enough, right?
by The Ugly One February 28, 2004
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Twelve- How anyone under the age of 25 appears to anyone over the age of 40.

Disparaging to their level of knowledge, lack of wisdom and their appearance.
What are you stupid? Oh..... no, you're only twelve.
by Morte_666 June 14, 2011
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A 12 inch piece of vinyl.

The records club DJs usually play.
I got some dope new 12"s to play at the club tonight
by ross March 15, 2004
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A pretentious modern indie film, that tries too hard to be "gritty" and "edgy" in respect to modern gloom but falls on it's formalistic face
Ever since I saw how the movie my friends and I made turned into a twelve, I vowed to never make a film with them again.
by david lynched December 24, 2011
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I should be twelve.

I like girls, just don't expect me to say it out loud.

I hate 'em too - very loudly.

I didn't mean to, somebody pushed me!

School days are way too looooong.

Weekends are way too short and not enough of 'em.

Is it Lunch yet?

Who taped thumb tacks to my chair seat?!?

I wanna drive it!

But I want one with a motor on it!

Where's the food?

OK, the can's open. Now what?

They are not from K Mart!

Hey! You ever played with a Harry Potter Broomstick? No, I mean played with one.

Do I gotta do math today?

Who cares who was President in 1841?!? He's dead ya know!

Oh, wow! Stephanie's bending over! Nnnnniiiiiicccccceeeee!

I don't think I'll ever be old enough to get away with that.

If the doctor puts his hand under boys' balls and says to cough, what does he do to girls, grab their tits and say to fart?
See? I would make a great twelve-year-old. Been there, done that. Being twelve is wasted on people who will spend a whole year learning how to be twelve and when they finally get it right, they turn thirteen and have to start over. Being twelve should be reserved for people who already know how.
by FridgeRaider October 3, 2004
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