a big ass permanent upright constructions having a length much greater than the thickness and presenting a continuous surface except where pierced by doors, windows, illegal aliens etc.: used for shelter, protection, or privacy, to keep illegal aliens from entering the United States or to subdivide interior space, to support floors, roofs, or the like, to retain earth, to fence in an area, etc.
Your garden wall is as wimpy as Obama and Clinton combined, you need a Trump Wall to keep the neighborhood kids off of your lawn
by conservative-definition July 21, 2016
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Since they violate NAFTA, tariffs are another trump wall that cannot and will not be built.
by smjgJsbjgsm December 12, 2018
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A wall that is awesome. Separates us from the bad Mexies. Freedom.
With Trump Wall, we can finally grow and sell our own drugs!
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"it was a metaphor" Donald Trump
If built though we lose 12 billion in taxes each year from Mexican immigrants alone.
If built would cost around 25 billion dollars.
Waste of time and money and won't pay for itself and won't solve the immigrants way of getting here by planes.
"Hey dude Donald Trump's Wall is going to be huge!" "Yea and so would your taxes my friend"
by bambamdude11 December 9, 2016
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The wall to keep Mexican out of America.
Donald Trump's Wall would be great!
by CountryGamer001 September 4, 2016
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Trump-"I want to build a wall"
Reporter-"would you build a fence"
Trump"I could build a bit of a fence then i will build a wall because it is more formal"
Reporter-"do you despise the Mexicans?"
Trump-"no i just do not want drugs in this beautiful country"
Donald Trump-America's President 2k16
Wall-A big brick fence
Donald Trump-'I'm Going to call my wall Donald Trump's Wall
by TheMegaDefiner November 15, 2016
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A waste of time, effort, and money.
idk how anyone can be able to enjoy building Donald Trump's Wall for a living
by Dubiks February 15, 2019
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