A whole other level of trashed!
- Fuck, last night we got trashed son!
- No last night we got TRISHED!
by Mortiz135 November 22, 2010
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To neaten up or make clean
I want to trish my locker before the end of the year.
by Kopious February 11, 2012
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A blonde haired green eyed woman who is down to earth, loyal, and extremely smart. People called Trish are the best kinds of people.
Have you met that beautiful, amazing girl over there? She's a Trish.
by Redhineymonkey2 January 24, 2017
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Trish is a woman who is beautiful on the inside as well on the outside. She has a hard time with sharing only because she doesn’t want to lose what she’s sharing to anybody else. But if you are close enough to her she will share her whole wide world with you. Some people have a hard time understanding Trish because when she is moved in a certain direction she wants everybody to move in the same way and it may come out as her being stubborn. However don’t let the stubbornness side fool you, if she’s disagreeing with you it’s only because she’s a natural born teacher. Trish is smart, demanding, strong, and most importantly spiritual. She loves Jesus with all her might and soul! Trish’s world consists of God, family, her dogs, and her blessed friends.
I’m gonna pull a Trish tonight so I want you all to listen up.
by ImachildofGod August 6, 2020
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The sound accompanying a silent-but-deadly fart.
No one heard the sibiliant "trishhhhhhhh" as the gas escaped, but Patricia knew she'd been found out as soon as the smell of her SBD began wrinkling the noses around her.
by Demptruck March 22, 2007
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a combination of the words trade (a masculine or very manly gay male) and fish (a feminine gay male) trish is used to describe a gay male who seems to be a bit of both.
person 1: Is he trade or fish?

person 2: He's both gurl, he's trish!!!!
by Lythand April 24, 2007
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