To make a shitty localization of a game, usually a Japanese game ported to the West.

The name originates in the company Treehouse, well known for making terrible localizations of Nintendo games.
- Fuck, I can't believe Nintendo did it again! They treehoused the fuck out of Fire Emblem Fates!

- I'm sick of all this treehousing. I'm not buying another game from them until they get their shit together.
by MastermindX April 20, 2016
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When you are mashed out your face from smoking weed.
Im out of my treehouse from smoking all this weed
by Bob Marley February 6, 2005
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Those that live in the treehouse, have mental handicaps.
by Big S December 3, 2003
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its the muh fuckin tree house, in the doggpound, in the fishtank
lets hit the treehouse we'll make a blood oath n shit yadadamean? foshoyadadamean!
by dogg420666swagsacks June 12, 2011
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A group on Yahoo answers who are Anti Twilight
Twilight fan: LYKE, EDWARD IS SO HAWT!!! <3333333
Treehouse member: *insert truce*
by springhaus December 30, 2009
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When a woman rides on top of a man during sexual intercourse. Similar to the tried and true cowgirl method. Except the woman is situated in a crouching position.
by Max I. Padman June 2, 2011
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